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Office of the United States Trade Representative

Office of the United States Trade Representative

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is a federal agency established in 1962 to advise the President on U.S. trade policy and to negotiate foreign trade agreements. Since 1989, the USTR has produced an annual "Special 301 Report" that indicates countries without "adequate and effective" intellectual property laws, which USTR therefore considers to be barriers to trade. The USTR is also responsible for the secret negotiations behind agreements such as ACTA and the TPP. EFF has FOIA requests to pursue more information about those agreements during the negotiations.

Program of Conference organized by US Embassy in Paris entitled "Le Droit D'Auteur Et La Contrefacon Dans L'Economie Numerique"

Presentations by Janelly Fortou MEP [Rapporteur of 2004 IPRED1 Directive], Denis Olivennes [President of the French government's Olivennes Commission which recommended Three Strikes policy and Internet filtering, and Director General of major music rightsholder], Jean-Michel Jarre [musician...


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