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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog


Is there another way? Shaping digital public spaces.

Alongside panelists Paul Nemitz (Chief Advisor for Digital Transformation Strategies, EU Commission), Philipp Schild (Programme Director of funk) and Professor Christian Pentzold (University of Leipzig), EFF's Associate Director of EU Policy, Svea Windwehr, will join a discussion to speak about changing digital public spaces, and how to shape them. The...

From Free Speech Regulation to Deportation: The Internet, Trump's Targets and Project 2025

ACLU California Action, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Oakland Privacy, TransFamily Support Services, and TransLatin@ Coalition will host this event.About the Event: As California begins a new legislative session, we must think about how digital speech proposals really affect youth and intersect with reproductive choice, LGBTQI, and immigrants’ rights issues. This briefing...

8 squares with surveillance methods

Pen-Link v. County of San Joaquin Sheriff’s Office

As part of EFF’s transparency mission, we sent public records requests to California law enforcement agencies—including the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Office—seeking information about law enforcements’ use of technology sold by two companies: Pen-Link and its subsidiary, Cobwebs Technologies. We went to court to make sure the public gets access to...

Five Things to Know about the Supreme Court Case on Texas’ Age Verification Law, Free Speech Coalition v Paxton

Texas’ age verification law robs internet users of anonymity, exposes them to privacy and security risks, and blocks some adults entirely from accessing sexual content that’s protected under the First Amendment. Age-verification laws like this one reach into fully every U.S. adult household. We look forward to the court striking...
Facebooks thumbs up thumbs down

La nueva política de contenidos de Meta perjudicará a los usuarios vulnerables. Si realmente valorara la libertad de expresión, haría estos cambios

A principios de esta semana, cuando Meta anunció cambios en sus procesos de moderación de contenidos, estábamos esperanzados de que algunos de esos cambios -que abordaremos con más detalle en este post- permitirían una mayor libertad de expresión en las plataformas de la , algo por lo que...


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