Join EFF International Rights Director, Katitza Rodríguez e Hiperderecho Executive Director, Miguel Morachimo at Pontificia Universidad Cátolica del Perú this Thursday May 2 starting at 8:00 am. This gathering of tech enthusiasts, bloggers, journalists, policy makers, activists, authors, artists, students will discuss the impact of the Internet in Peru.
Well-known bloggers and journalist such as Roberto Bustamante, Marco Sifuentes, Rosa María Palacios, Fernando Tuesta, Claudia Cisneros will be discussing how important social networks are for their daily lives and work. Rodríguez and Morachimo will be discussing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), one of the worst global threats to the Internet since ACTA. This May 15-24, the United States and ten other governments from around the Pacific are meeting yet again in Lima, Peru to hash out this secret deal. Join the fight!