August 8, 2022 - 6:00pm PDT

Portland's Techno-Activism Third Mondays, a local organization in the Electronic Frontier Alliance (not EFF), will host this event:

ShotSpotter / acoustic surveillance community teach-in

From the Organizers:

As you've probably seen in local media, gun violence in Portland has been rising these past few years. In response, the city of Portland commissioned a task force last August to study the issue and recommend actions that city commissioners can take to solve the problem. After months of meetings, the Focused Intervention Team Community Oversight Group (FITCOG) submitted a recommendation to Mayor Wheeler in favor of adopting ShotSpotter gunshot detection technology.

What is ShotSpotter, and how does it work? Are its results accurate, and is the technology effective? Has it been successful in decreasing gun violence in other cities that have implemented it? What are the trade-offs, and would the benefits outweigh the costs — in terms of both financial and negative impacts to the Portland community?

Join us for a two-part event to learn more about ShotSpotter and other gunshot detection systems and forms of acoustic surveillance! Decide for yourself whether this tool might be effective in solving Portland's gun violence problem.

During the first half of the event, learn from our panelists how ShotSpotter and other gunshot detection technologies work and how they've performed in other cities.

In the second half, we'll conduct a workshop, where you can learn more about what happens now, after the FITCOG recommendation, and how you can provide input into whether ShotSpotter should be installed in Portland.

Bring your questions, and come learn how you can make your voice heard on this issue!



Monday, August 8
6 pm - 8 pm PT



This event is organized not by EFF, but by Portland's Techno-Activism Third Mondays—a grassroots group participating in the Electronic Frontier Alliance. The EFA is a network of grassroots organizations across the country committed to promoting digital rights. Together, we're building a movement to promote freedom of expression, privacy, security, creativity, and access to knowledge.