Creativity & Innovation
Reclaim Invention
Copyright Law Versus Internet Culture
Throughout human history, culture has been made by people telling one another stories, building on what has come before, and making it their own. Every generation, every storyteller puts their own spin on old tales to reflect their own values and changing times.
This creative remixing happens today and...
Ninth Circuit Sends a Message to Platforms: Use a Moderator, Go to Trial
After almost two decades of litigation, you’d think the contours of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbors would be settled. But the cases just keep coming, and while the overall trend is pretty favorable, the latest ruling takes an unfortunate turn (PDF).
Free Speech
Free Speech is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link
Online Censorship
Section 230
Shadow Regulation
Offline: Imprisoned Bloggers and Technologists
Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border: Protecting the Data On Your Devices and In the Cloud
Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border: Protecting the Data On Your Devices and In the Cloud
Digital Rights Bytes
NSA Spying
Encrypting the Web
Surveillance Self-Defense
Coders' Rights Project
FISC Orders on Illegal Government Surveillance
EFF has sued the Department of Justice (DOJ), demanding answers about illegal email and telephone call surveillance at the National Security Agency (NSA).
The FISA Amendments Act (FAA) of 2008 gave the NSA expansive power to spy on Americans’ international email and telephone calls. However, last month, a government...
The Foilies 2018
Recognizing the Year’s Worst in Government TransparencyGovernment transparency laws like the Freedom of Information Act exist to enforce the public’s right to inspect records so we can all figure out what the heck is being done in our name and with our tax dollars. But when a public agency ignores,...
Automated License Plate Readers- ACLU of Southern California & EFF v. LAPD & LASD
EFF and the ACLU of Southern California each sent California Public Records Act requests to the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department seeking documents about each agency's use of Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) systems—sophisticated cameras mounted on squad cars and street poles that read...