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EFF Releases Images of CBP Surveillance Technology Along the Southern Border

SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Tuesday published scores of new photos of surveillance technology recently deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border, depicting a digital dragnet that threatens civil liberties and human rights.“The rapid expansion of digital surveillance along the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t just affect migrants—it affects anyone living near...

From Camera Towers to Spy Blimps, Border Researchers Now Can Use 65+ Open-licensed Images of Surveillance Tech from EFF

The U.S.-Mexico border is one of the most politicized technological spaces in the country, with leaders in both political parties supporting massive spending on border security and the so-called "Virtual Wall." Yet we see little debate over the negative impacts for human rights or the civil liberties of those who...

Photo of honorees and speakers on stage at the EFF Awards 2022

The First EFF Awards Celebration

EFF's newly-rebranded annual celebration recognized the work of Alaa Abd El-Fattah, the Digital Defense Fund, and Kyle Wiens. Each honoree has contributed to building a world in which we can all enjoy freedom of expression, freedom from surveillance, and the freedom to control both our bodies and the tools and...


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